Nicholas' Birthday Pumpkin Cake
Use two bundt cake pans, one round 9" pan, plus two cupcakes. Two boxes chocolate cake mix or homemade, with butter cream frosting. To start decorating turn one bundt cake upside down, frost between layers, add the 9" cake (cut off top to make level), then last bundt cake right side up. Put the cupcakes into center and frost the whole outside. Try to make grooves into side of cake. Recipe from:
Marshmallow Fontant
Make two batches and color the day before. One orange for pumpkin, the other divided between green for leaves and black for face pieces. Roll out about 1/4 inch thick, and use powdered sugar to keep fondant from sticking (it will all be absorbed). Marshmallow Fondant from:
The Trickiest Part !
With a 20" rolling pin, carefully roll out fondant onto rolling pin. Center on top of cake, and unroll carefully. Press fondant onto sides of cake to create grooves like a real pumpkin. Trim bottom carefully (do not store cake in refrigerator as it will get condensation water spots). Serve the same day, or next day. The fondant keeps the cake fresh. Good Luck!
Combine green and orange fondant, then roll out to form stem. Adorn cake with green leaves, curls, and black triangles for face.
Happy Birthday !
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